quarta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2018

Estreia da Semana: THE POST

THE POST, de Steven Spielberg, rodado em película de 35mm (Kodak Vision3 50D 5203, Vision3 250D 5207, Vision3 500T 5219).

«Digital photography is a science. Film photography is a chemical miracle. You never quite know what you're gonna get after the film takes a bath, and exposes the positive from the negative. (...) There's grain — number one — and the grain is always moving, it's swimming. Which means, even in a still life, let's say a flower on a table: that flower is alive even though it's not moving, because the image itself is alive.»

[Imagem: Niko Tavernise, Twentieth Century Fox Corporation].
[Vídeo: Fox 5 DC].

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