sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2019

Filmes Restaurados: THE QUEEN (1968, Frank Simon)

Trailer para a versão restaurada de THE QUEEN, filme documental sobre o concurso de drag queens Miss All-American Camp Beauty Pageant, de mil novecentos e sessenta e sete, realizado por Frank Simon.

"As a documentary, crowning the final days of the 1967 Miss All-America Camp Beauty Pageant — judges and other notable names that year included Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgwick, and Mario Montez — it showed gay men being themselves in a verite style of documentation and won attention along the way, screening during the prestigous Cannes Film Festival in France."

Restauro em 4K, pela Kino Lorber, a partir dos negativos originais em 16mm (Kodachrome) do filme.

[Fontes: Kino Lorber / Out].
[Imagem: MDH / Si Litvinoff Film Production / Vineyard / Kino Lorber].

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