domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018

Abel Ferrara: "The ultimate definition of these films is a 35mm negative"

Starbust Your style of filmmaking, especially early on, is guerrilla making. How do you feel that films like this and THE DRILLER KILLER have now been given a 4K release?

Abel Ferrara It's not going to be the same. The ultimate definition of these films is a 35mm negative. They're just trying to reflect the negative as close as possible, so they have a lot more leeway and they work from the original negative. And they worked with [THE ADDICTION cinematographer] Kenny Kelsch. You're seeing a digital fucking thing as opposed to watching a print of the movie, but it's as close as you're gonna get.

Abel Ferrara, para a revista Starburst, a propósito da edição em Blu-Ray de THE ADDICTION — OS VICIOSOS.

[Fonte: Starbust, número 451, Agosto de 2018].
[Imagem: Offscreen].

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