quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2018

Marylin (Re)Descoberta

In a love scene with Clark Gable, Monroe dropped the covering bed-sheet and exposed her body. It would have been one of the first – if not the first – nude scenes by an American actress in a major production in the sound era of film if it had made it into the final version.

Director John Huston refused to include the nude scene, allegedly because he felt it was unnecessary to the story. But Frank Taylor believed that it was important and so ground-breaking that he saved it.

Considerada há muito perdida pela comunidade historiográfica, uma cena de nudez de Marylin Monroe, em OS INADAPTADOS (1961), foi preservada pelo produtor Frank Taylor, e redescoberta num cofre fechado pelo seu filho Curtis. De momento, permanece a incógnita de quando e onde estas imagens conhecerão eventual divulgação pública.

[Imagem: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios / Photofest].

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